Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcoming Families from Around My World

Welcoming Families from Around My World

The family’s country of origin is Switzerland.  Because I know nothing about this country, I must prepare myself to be culturally responsive to the child as well as its families. This can be achieved in the following ways.

1.     Conducting research on the country via
2.     Learning more about the cultural values and traditions of Switzerland.
3.     Attempt to connect with other individuals from the country in person or via the Internet in order to gain first-hand experience about the country.
4.     Learn key phrases in language spoken in the country.
5.     Hold a non-formal meeting the family of the child to learn more.

I believe that these strategies will provide myself and the family with many benefits. Not only will I make them feel welcome and appreciated by learning some of their language and more about the culture, I will better understand the cultural background that the child and the family comes from. In the end, this will eliminate cultural barriers, increase communication, and ensure that the needs of the child and the family are being met. 


  1. Hello Mary,

    You chose a lot of helpful ways to help the family from Switzerland to become culturally responsive in the classroom. It is important to learn about the traditional values and customs used in Switzerland and using the internet to complete research on Switzerland. This would help familiarize you with helpful information about Switzerland. This will help the family feel welcome and comfortable in the classroom.

  2. Mary,
    I like your idea of connecting with an individual living in Switzerland to receive firsthand knowledge and experiences that they may share of their country. I also like the idea of having an informal meeting to learn more about the family on a personal level. This will show your interest in the family’s background. Also it lets the family know that you are reaching out to make their new experience enjoyable.
