Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Note of Thanks and Support

The benefit of online learning is that we have the opportunity to learn from each other.  All of the blogs in my group have benefited me professionally. As a result of this, I would like to thank all of the individuals in group 3 for allowing me to learn and grow professionally from reading your blog posts.  I would like to extend a special thanks to Cheryl and Rebecca for providing with useful information through their blogs. Your blogs have allowed me to become a better writer and have diversified my knowledge about the field of early childhood.
Thanks Again,


  1. Hello Mary, Thank-You for all your support and kindness that you have shown me these pass 8 weeks.This was a very interesting class and I have learned so much.

  2. Hello Mary,

    I wanted to tell you thank you for all that you have taught me throughout this course. I think it is really neat what you do in working with autistic children and writing your children stories. You are an inspiration to young educators who were in a different profession but something told them that working with children was in their path. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts and watching your blog page develop over the weeks. I will follow your writing journey and look forward to reading some of your children's books in the future! Thank you and good luck to you in future classes! Julie
