Saturday, December 18, 2010

Examining Code of Ethics

There are several ideals contained in the NAEYC Code of ethics that are meaningful to me. However, three of the most meaningful are as follows:
I-1.8—To support the right of each child to play and
learn in an inclusive environment that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities.

This ideal is meaningful to me and applicable in my professional life because of am one of the individuals that provide children with the tools needed to in order to meet this ideal.

I-1.11—To provide all children with experiences in a language that they know, as well as support children
in maintaining the use of their home language and in learning English.

This ideal is meaningful to me and applicable in my professional life because all of my social stories are written in the English language and presented in a manner to the children in the type of language or symbolism that they know and understand.

I-1.2—To base program practices upon current  knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.

All of my work in my professional life in founded on this ideal.  The main reason as to why I write social stories is because knowledge about the practice and research studies have proven how effective social stories are to children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

1 comment:

  1. Great choices! There were so many great ideals to choose from, I found it hard to pick! I agree that 1.2 represents my professional beliefs as well.
