Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your Personal Research Journey: Social Stories

The general topic that I have selected to further explore through the research simulation is social stories. Social stories are commonly used to help correct and teach behaviors with children suffering from Autism. They are also commonly used with children that suffer from behavioral disorders and young children that have experienced traumatic situations. Thus far, there has been a limited amount of research that has been conducted on the general topic and its effectiveness. There are a couple different reasons as to why I selected this topic. One reason is that social stories and their effectiveness and something that impact me directly on a professional level. Part of the work that I do for children in the field of early childhood is to create general personalized stories for children that suffer from Autism or behavioral disorders. A second reason why this topic has been selected is that if impacts me on a personal level. Several of children that are close to me have been diagnosed with Autism and/or behavioral disorders. By understanding more about this general topic, it will reinforce my professional mission and provide all children that I come into contact with on a personal and professional level with additional benefits in the growth and developmental process.
So far, my journey through the research simulation process has been easy and enlightening. By participating in the exercises in the course and by constructing the research chart, I have become more educated on the research process and have been able to select a specific sub-topic for further exploration. I have also been amazed with the amount of resources that are available to me in order to discover more about the effectiveness of social stories and the research process. Although I am finding a sufficient amount of information of the effectiveness of social stories in the field of early childhood, I kindly ask any classmate to make me aware of, send me a copy of, or send me a link to a credible source or journal article pertaining to the topic that I have selected for the research simulation. Again, that topic is the effectiveness of social stories in the field of early childhood.


  1. Great post Mary!

    You have chosen a great topic to focus on. I really have a lot admiration for those dedicated to understanding autism and its causes. I wish you well in your personal journey.

  2. Great topic and I look forward to reading and knowing what you find with your research. I have a child that has behavioral issues and would like to know more about handling certain situations.
