Saturday, March 12, 2011

Relationship Reflection

Relationships and partnerships are extremely important to me because it allows me to better serve and understand the needs of my clients and their children. For example, if an honest and effective relationship or partnership has not been formed, I will not be able to understand the challenges that the parents and child face. I also will not be able to understand the objectives or goals that parents and children wish to achieve. This will compromise my ability to develop a social story that is effective and addresses the needs of the child and his or her parents. At the same time, relationships and partnerships are extremely important in my personal and educational life. In addition to providing support, these relationships allow me to meet my social needs and experience personal and professional growth.
Currently, I have several positive relationships or partnerships in my personal and professional life.  These individuals include my mother and other family members, my friends Lynn and Rose, and my classmates and clients. The relationship with my mother and other family members are positive because we support one another and provide each other with love and guidance. The relationships with my friends Lynn and Rose are positive because we assist each other on a professional level and share our love for dogs. For example, without this positive relationship I would not have my children’s books available in the libraries of several hospitals in Manhattan nor would I be privileged with having my books be part of the exit packet for children at St. Jude’s Hospital. Finally, my relationship with my classmates and clients are positive because we push each other to learn and grown, provide each other with guidance, and provide benefits to each other.
Several factors contribute to the development and maintenance of these relationships.  In addition to honesty, effective communication, openness, and correspondence all contribute to the development and maintenance of these relationships.  Overtime, I have encountered challenges in developing these and other relationships. Overall, it is believed that active listening, compassion, persistence, and the belief to agree to disagree have allowed me to overcome conflicts or challenges.  There are several charachteristics which I believe allow these relationships to form into of a partnership. In addition to a certain degree of “give and take”, the charachteristics of mutual respect, admiration, and working together to achieve a common goal would allow these to relationships to become partnership.
Because I have the ability to develop strong relationships and partnerships will all types of individuals, I see this as a benefit to working in the field of early childhood. As a result of this skill I possess the ability to establish trust, facilitate growth and development, encourage collaboration, and meet the needs of children, parents, and community members.


  1. Trust is an important part of my relationships, too. As we learned this week in our coursework, we must build trusting relationships with the families of students we teach.

  2. I have to agree with Rebecca on trust. It is a major factor when talking about relationship. If you can not trust an individual than you don't have a good relationship. I see that you have established a lot of relationships in your life. Relationships is more than peolpe in your family. You stated above that you have relationships with co-workers, students, and others in your social network. Continue to build and keep the relationships that are postive in your life. Enjoyed reading your post.

  3. Hi, Thank you for your post! I especially agree with you saying that "I possess the ability to establish trust, facilitate growth and development, encourage collaboration, and meet the needs of children, parents, and community members". I remember from the readings this weeek that one of the articles adressed that perhaps the most important thing a child must learn for success is how to be in a relationship. I wholeheartedly agree with that, and many of our classmates show how important that skill and those relationships are to them personally and professionally. Great! Thank you again.

  4. Hi Mary,
    I love what you said here. You spoke from your heart--honestly and genuinely. I apprecite your take on relationships and partnerships! Excellent job!

  5. Hi Mary,

    you are so right about realtionships being about give and take. I was impressed that you social stories are used with St. Judes and so many other places. I am sure your books help so many children, what a great service that you provide to so many. Way to GO!!
